Influenze delle tradizioni culinarie italiane e dei numerosi souvenir raccolti intorno al mondo si incontrano e si mescolano, fino a fondersi nella dispensa contemporanea che fa della Franceschetta58 un locale semplice ma allo stesso tempo inusuale.
franceschetta58, Francesco Vincenzi, Massimo Bottura, Modena, dispensa contemporanea
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is a project of Francescana Family

We tell the story of our local producers using ingredients from our region with contemporary thinking, influenced by the seasons and our trips.

We will wait you to make you feel cuddled and at ease!

We’re open from Monday to Saturday for lunch and dinner. We propose à la cart menu and two tasting menus, the first one it’s seasonal and the second one with our classics. You can add also the wine pairing to your menu.


The wine list perfectly matches with dynamic identity of our cuisine, and it evolves thanks to the research work by our dining room staff. The list includes a selection of small wine producers together with most famous and traditional names. A particular attention is given to the organic wines.