Influenze delle tradizioni culinarie italiane e dei numerosi souvenir raccolti intorno al mondo si incontrano e si mescolano, fino a fondersi nella dispensa contemporanea che fa della Franceschetta58 un locale semplice ma allo stesso tempo inusuale.
franceschetta58, Francesco Vincenzi, Massimo Bottura, Modena, dispensa contemporanea
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Young talented and dynamic: the touch of our staff is visible in every moment of your experience at Franceschetta58

Francesco Vincenzi

Born in Emilia in 1992, Francesco is our head chef. His career started in Osteria Francescana, where he learnt the care for the ingredients and where he developed his passion. With the supervision of Massimo Bottura, he seasonally thinks a menu rich of suggestions that will bring you in the traditional Emilian cuisine influenced by his travel experiences abroad. 
